Why you should use Qt/QML for your next cross-platform application — part 1 — desktop

Petar Koretić
9 min readJan 20, 2019
Telegram desktop clients are written using Qt

part 1 — Desktop
part 2 — Mobile
part 3 — TV

My software development story started about 16 years ago with a Pascal language developing a small console 2D game.
A lot has changed since then and today we have HTML (still) being promoted as the one technology to rule them being able to run on any platform. And while I was always somewhere on that bandwagon I’m still not happy with the current state. In the meantime, let me introduce you to another contender that I’ve been using actively for the past 5 years.

So, you (or well…your boss) is thinking about great new app that you should publish for the desktop and base your business upon. It’s yet another cool messaging app. Or maybe you were finally given the chance to rewrite that old app that brings all the money but nobody enjoys working on it since technical debt is just too big. Well, before everything, all the best!

You probably investigated or even written your app using some of the (HTML) cross platform frameworks and you are not 100% convinced about what is the right way to do it. After all, with so many options these days, which is really the way to go?



Petar Koretić
Petar Koretić

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